On 19 Feb 2016, at 00:16, Neels Hofmeyr
<nhofmeyr(a)sysmocom.de> wrote:
nitpick: I notice that in redmine, the project name "Openbsc" should
probably be capitalized ("OpenBSC")?
The redmine importer insists only works if I enter "openbsc" and then it
apparently does "Openbsc" with it. But we can fix that after the import.
Saturday/Sunday do the migration of the trac.
was I too quick then? I'll recreate my account again if necessary.
I think we do not need to remove accounts. We might have to fix the email address of
contributors that got their account automatically created as part of the import.
any objections?
no problem, since we're all idling around all the time anyway ;)
More seriously though, the wiki is on my todo list to explain gtphub and
adjust that overview png, also to include Iu. Some day not too far I hope...
The wiki conversion is not that great. We really have to do some work in post processing
and making sure that all content has been migrated. E.g. "Software/Overview" and
"SoftwareOverview" seem to confuse the importer:
http://projects.osmocom.org/projects/baseband/wiki/SoftwareOverview vs.
http://bb.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/Software/Overview vs.
So there will be some fallout but I think it still makes sense to move forward now.