Hi All,
After long long struggle, I have successfully installed OsmocomGmr.
For ease of others, I want to share my experience,
My OS is Ubuntu - 12.04
I have find following link for gnuRadio installation, it is very well written document.
This document guided me how to install UHD / GNU Radio and other stuff in 6 step.
Software Installed are :
UHD : release_003_005_002
GNU Radio : gnuradio-
After Installation, I tested the connectivity of uhd / gnuRadio by following utilities:
1. uhd_find_devices
2. uhd_usrp_probe
3. gnuradio-config-info -v
For testing of input signal I used uhd_fft utility, Signals were coming.
I have usrp2 so i used following command for signal reception:
./gmr_multi_rx --gmr1-dl 802 -P /home/zia/Desktop/ --addr=type=usrp2 -a RX2 -S A:0 -T