I'm trying to make a OP25 Transmitter with a B200 mini, as in the video. I'm using the same command line as in the video (./dv_tx.py -p p25 --args 'uhd' -t ./1011.dat -r -Q 430137500 -q 1 -gains 'PGA:90 -v 3 -i 400000). I keep receiving the error "Attribute Error: 'file_source_sptr' object has no attribute 'set_gain_adjust'".
I'm new to using SDRs and the B200 mini, so I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks!
Before I go down a hole and end in a dead end....
I have some questions on using the -L option for "logging."
Logging in my universe means logging the audio to Dictaphone/tape/disk/CD/what
ever physical media... NOT the -v option, thats a log, not logging! :) ;)
So after reading about 30 different files on this -L option, it appers that it
will act as A LOGGING RECORDER and RECORD the audio to disk... Great!
What I am after is to record UNKNOWN GROUPS for analysis for ID purposes....
My question(s) are what options are used with this for:
rx.py example
./rx.py --args 'rtl' -N 'LNA:47' -S 2400000 -f 8xx.xxxxe6 -o 25000 -q 72 -L 4
-v 10 -T trunk.tsv -V -2 -U -O loop0 -M mysystem.json -l
http: -x 3 2>> stderr.2
trunk.tsv then REQUIRES a "center frequency" for the system... 8xx.xxxx based
on the channels of the system... I've determined this for this system,
and it will just fit the way this is setup.
This will then RECORD the various groups that are NOT BLACKLISTED to disk as
WAV's from what I understand... Correct????
Ie: OP25 tunes to a group, it records it.
Anything that is exlusive of each other on this -L option with other optons
for rx.py????
Any thing I am missing in this?????
Goal is simple to log any group I've not blacklisted as known user/use..