I know that a while back there was a grc flowraph of op25 that handled DES. Any chance of a pybombs recipe for op25 that handles RC4 as implemented in Advanced Digital Privacy?
First post and doing a search on the group, I have a unique bug in the build process. OS is Opensuse 13.2 64 on intel hardware. Here is the output from the pybomb:
./pybombs install gr-op25
Settled on prefix: /usr/local/src/target
Initializing environmental variables...
Loading recipes ...
Installing packages:
* mako
* numpy
* uhd
* alsa
* cheetah
* wxpython
* ffi
* pycairo
* gobject-introspection
* pygobject
* pygtk
* sip
* qt4
* pyqt4
* pyqwt5
* ssl
* libevent
* apache-thrift
* liblog4cpp
* gnuradio
* libpcap
* rtl-sdr
* osmo-sdr
* hackrf
* libosmo-dsp
* gr-iqbal
* bladeRF
* airspy
* gr-osmosdr
* libitpp
* gr-op25
Installing from source: mako
Building: (100%) [==========================================================]
Build failed. Re-trying with reduced makewidth and higher verbosity.
python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Build failed. See output above for error messages.
The "makewidth and higher verbosity" error seems to show up on the interwebs with compiling 64 bit code on a 32 bit OS, which isnt the case here.
Is this pythonbomb scheme building a private library of sorts? That is, I have a number of these programs already installed.