> Well, I'm faster than I thought. The new version with audio
> streaming via darkice is at
> http://febo.com/pages/os_images/2018-03-18_op25_rpi.zip
> John
Is this the standard NON MP3 darkice from the various Debian and
Raspbian repos or the compiled version from
I have the binary on my various PI's I use for streaming and can move
it over to your image if its not MP3 compliant.
My users and the software for most feed needs MP3, my ogg feeds are
being discontinued 1/1/19 as no one uses them, and I can add more
feeds with that bandwidth that might be us of use.
Thanks for the image... it will be a great time saver! Just want to
confirm what darkice supports or doesn't before I flash it...and
determine my plan to just apt-get remove darkice and recompile from
above or what not...
I wish there was a way to feed op25 into a local Allstar (Asterisk app_rpt) node to drive an analog transmitter. That way I can keep tabs on a few digital systems when I am out and about or via the the IP phone on my desk. One way would be fine till such a time that transmitting with op25 via direct modulator input becomes more common.
Has any thought been given to that sort of thing? Just curious
All the existing digital to analog bridges pretty much rely one one being personally involved with the digital repeaters to configure things on both ends (IP network level etc).
by 'Trunk Tracker' trunktracker@tampabay.rr.com [op25-dev]
If you know of 1 certain talk group ID number you want to listen to, is
there an easier way than having to exit the program, edit the .tsv file,
whitelist it, save the .tsv file and then re-start the program? Like say I
wanna listen to TG ID 1000. Is there a way to just type 1000 while the
program is running and make it hold on 1000? So If I'm at this screen, how
do we do it:
Effective January 1, 2019, this op25-dev mailing list will be closed; no
further posts to the yahoo group will be accepted after that date.
The list is being relocated; going forward it will be hosted
by osmocom.org. For more information please refer to the
list's new home page:
At this time I should like to take the opportunity to thank our
new hosts at osmocom.org for volunteering to host the mail
list, and for going to the trouble of backfilling list content
starting from 2012...
p.s. if anyone has a copy of the old list archives covering the period
from 2008 - 2012, please contact us
If your trunk.tsv has multiple system define as in the example trunk.tsv
that get installed with op25 then the software will scan or sample all of
the systems defined approximately every five seconds as long that the
control channel that it is currently tuned to is idle. Voice traffic halts
the scan or other systems and resets the timer. This feature is not real
useful if your system are fairly busy as you'll end up missing a lot of
traffic with the round robin taking place. Probably best to only have one
system in your trunk.tsv file, but that is your choice to determine what
works best for you.
Is there any kind of a current step-by-step beginner's guide to setup OP25 from Scratch? Especially for using it on Windows. For example, I have VMware Workstation 12 Player version 12.5.2 installed on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. Is there a certain version of Ubuntu that we have to use? The link to download it https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktophttps://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop has a version called Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and another version called Ubuntu 18.10. How do we know which one to use and what are the command prompt scripts that we should type to install OP25? Thanks.