Hi Liubinskii,
You can use two APNs with two separate PGWs. To do this, you need to
configure a specific PGW IP for each UE in MongoDB using WebUI. If PGW IP
is configured in MongoDB, the PGW IP in the configuration file is ignored.
However, I think that it is not happy for those who want to use two PGWs.
IMHO, it might be easier if the configuration file supports PGW selection
based on APN.
Let me try to add this feature. However, if the things are not available,
you need to configure PGW IP configuration per each UE using WebUI.
Thank you for raising this issue.
Best Regards,
2019년 5월 15일 (수) 오후 10:59, Liubinskii Pavel <pavel.liubinskii(a)aalto.xn--fi>-n54x791j
Hello Guys and thanks a lot for a great product.
Have a question which I couldn't find in documentation.
Is it possible to use two separate PGWs with NextEPC? Each PGW represents
a different network (i.e one for Internet, another for some kind of LAN). I
also would like to add two different APNs per UI in this scenario. I have
already done a singe PGW configuration with default 'internet' APN, but
stuck a bit with the second PGW.
I will highly appreciate for any thoughts, advise or configuration
Thanks in advance.
BR, Pavel