Hi Liubinskii,

Today, I added this feature and the usage is shown in the following link.


2019년 5월 15일 (수) 오후 10:59, Liubinskii Pavel <pavel.liubinskii@aalto.fi>님이 작성:

Hello Guys and thanks a lot for a great product.

Have a question which I couldn't find in documentation.

Is it possible to use two separate PGWs with NextEPC? Each PGW represents a different network (i.e one for Internet, another for some kind of LAN). I also would like to add two different APNs per UI in this scenario. I have already done a singe PGW configuration with default 'internet' APN, but stuck a bit with the second PGW.

I will highly appreciate for any thoughts, advise or configuration examples.

Thanks in advance.

BR, Pavel