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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.orgHi Felix, thanks a lot for your generous offer. I'm very happy to see this, but I have very limited hope that at this point somebody would still show such substantial interest in testing compliance of OsmocomBB :/ But for sure, let's hope my pessimism is overrated and someody would invest time into this. On Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 05:29:58PM +0200, Felix Domke wrote: > If someone is interested in this, please contact me off-list. Bonus > points if you're interested in setting this up in an automated fashion > that lets us test OsmocomBB builds automatically and generate a report > for each commit. I'd be happy to put some sysmocom resources behind this, if it helps. I'm assuming that if somebody creates the "manual" test setup and works on fixing some of the fall-out, we'd contribute some development time on automatizing this setup, and also hosting/maintaining it, doing jenkins integration, ... In addition, irrespective of the above, sysmocom is happy to provide whatever calypso phones, cables, adapters, attenuators, duplexers, USB-UART-Cables, etc. for completing the physical setup. This offer is valid for anyone who'd receive Felix' equipment. Let me know what you'd need/want and I'll try to make sure you get it. Regards, Harald -- - Harald Welte <laforge at> ============================================================================ "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option." (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)