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Harald Welte laforge at
Wed Jul 11 12:51:33 UTC 2012

Hi Mathias,

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 01:38:29PM +0200, Mathias K. wrote:

> Do you mean the x16 with full-size PCIe?

I was thinking of x1 or x4.  I already have done some other board with
x1 PCIe, so the footprint is already present.

However, now that I think of it, PCIe requires PCB thickness to be
different (1.5mm) from what we are hading for (more like .8 or 1mm).

So I guess I'll scrap that idea.

> Do you have done some pinout done? 

no, not yet.  Things will move slow, we're in early planning phase


- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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