Announcing Osmocom SIMtrace

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Sébastien Lorquet squalyl at
Thu Nov 18 23:32:22 UTC 2010

Wow this is a very cool project.



On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Harald Welte <laforge at> wrote:

> Hi all!
> After what has become much more time than originally anticipated, I'm happy
> to announce the first developer version of Osmocom SIMtrace:
> (project page)
>        git:// (host software + wireshark)
>        git:// (firmware)
> You can use it to passively sniff the smart card interface between SIM and
> phone.  It consists of some firmware for an AT91SAM7S USB-attached
> microcontroller, together with a host PC program that receives the APDUs
> from USB.
> As none of my projects is complete without wireshark integration,
> SIMtrace abuses the GSMTAP format to feed messages into wireshark.  A
> simplistic wireshark dissector for the GSM TS 11.11 APDUs is included,
> and it is expected to become much more complete in the fuutre (USIM
> support,
> parsing of file contents, etc.)
> What can you use it for?
>  * Determine what is really going on between phone and sim
>  * Debugging of SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) programs
> Why is it better than existing hardware like Season or the RebelSIM
> Scanner?
>  * We do proper auto-bauding and support PPS, i.e. you can automatically
>   see all communication on any SIM card interface
>  * We support all clock rates / dividers as per the ISO 7816-3 spec
> Future plans:
>  * In addition to passive tracing, implement SIM-card side interface
>   in the hardware and have SIM/USIM simulator as host PC software.
>  * Build custom board for it, with 1.8V SIM support
> Regards,
>        Harald
> --
> - Harald Welte <laforge at>
> ============================================================================
> "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
>                                                  (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
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