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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.orgHi all! After what has become much more time than originally anticipated, I'm happy to announce the first developer version of Osmocom SIMtrace: (project page) git:// (host software + wireshark) git:// (firmware) You can use it to passively sniff the smart card interface between SIM and phone. It consists of some firmware for an AT91SAM7S USB-attached microcontroller, together with a host PC program that receives the APDUs from USB. As none of my projects is complete without wireshark integration, SIMtrace abuses the GSMTAP format to feed messages into wireshark. A simplistic wireshark dissector for the GSM TS 11.11 APDUs is included, and it is expected to become much more complete in the fuutre (USIM support, parsing of file contents, etc.) What can you use it for? * Determine what is really going on between phone and sim * Debugging of SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) programs Why is it better than existing hardware like Season or the RebelSIM Scanner? * We do proper auto-bauding and support PPS, i.e. you can automatically see all communication on any SIM card interface * We support all clock rates / dividers as per the ISO 7816-3 spec Future plans: * In addition to passive tracing, implement SIM-card side interface in the hardware and have SIM/USIM simulator as host PC software. * Build custom board for it, with 1.8V SIM support Regards, Harald -- - Harald Welte <laforge at> ============================================================================ "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option." (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)