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Adam Nielsen a.nielsen at> Confirmed to compile on OSX 10.6 > (not possible for me to check if it also compiles under Windows and > *nix). This is great, thanks for posting! It compiles and runs under Linux with this command: $ gcc -o rtl_acars rtl_acars.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs librtlsdr libusb` -lpthread -lm $ ./rtl_acars -f 131550k Found 1 device(s): 0: Realtek, RTL2832U, SN: 00000991 Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U (e.g. hama nano) Found Elonics E4000 tuner Oversampling input by: 21x. Oversampling output by: 1x. Buffer size: 8.13ms Tuned to 131802000 Hz. Sampling at 1008000 Hz. Output at 48000 Hz. Exact sample rate is: 1008000.009613 Hz Tuner gain set to automatic. RX_IDX: 0 ACARS mode: B, message label: H1 Aircraft reg: .VH-VYE, flight id: QF0975 Block id: 55, msg. no: D12A Message content:- #DFBYBTLYBBN AMDAR3AU0138 AJ0LPS3KKSH:LX.9AQD - L///9AJIKN RKLEHCZRU : K///9 U 4 T Q0LCJDDSI V Y///9A M F LKLCJDDS0 U L///9 A Z 5 Q0L7JELS5 Y K///9U P P N0L30FTS2 . V///9 A 8 W OKKYZHKSW W L///9A G O LKKVS ----------------------------------------------------------[16/07/2013 08:35] RX_IDX: 1 ACARS mode: B, message label: H1 Aircraft reg: .VH-VYE, flight id: QF0975 Block id: 56, msg. no: D12B Message content:- #DFBIBRE M M///9 ----------------------------------------------------------[16/07/2013 08:35] Cheers, Adam.