[PATCH] Change the interface in osmo-pcu for 11 bit RACH

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Bhargava Abhyankar Bhargava.Abhyankar at radisys.com
Tue Mar 22 13:05:28 UTC 2016

Hello Jacob,
Thanks for your inputs.

>what exactly is your definition of 'rach_type'? Could you please either add a reference to the document where this notion is >specified, or if there is none, a specification of its value range.
We propose to use following enum as 'rach_type'
enum {
                GPRS_8_BIT_RACH = 0,
                GPRS_11_BIT_RACH ,
                EGPRS_8_PSK_11_BIT_RACH ,

This is not specified in standard, this is introduced as part of proposed interface changes between osmo-bts and osmo-pcu.
Osmo-bts should get the RACH information from L1 APIs and fill the appropriate 'rach_type' and send to osmo-pcu. 
Osmo-bts can distinguish between 8 bit RACH and 11 bit RACH using 'u8Size' parameter in PH-RA-IND premetive.

There is still open point on how osmo-bts distinguishes between types of 11 bit RACH based on received layer 1 message.
Let me know if you have any inputs.

Bhargava Abhyankar

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