[osmocom-event-orga] osmoserv online

This is merely a historical archive of years 2008-2021, before the migration to mailman3.

A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at https://lists.osmocom.org/hyperkitty/list/osmocom-event-orga@lists.osmocom.org/.

Peter Stuge peter at stuge.se
Sun Dec 2 21:44:48 UTC 2018

Peter Stuge wrote:
> The server is unfortunately stuck under lots of other stuff

The good news is that the server is online with 32GB RAM and 256 GB SSD.
Please send me your SSH key, then I'll add it.

The OS I've set up is a stage4 that I built with catalyst (Gentoo tooling)
which isn't intended to run the full system but rather to host containers
and/or VMs. There's a systemd with machinectld, but pretty much nothing
else. The OS lives on an unencrypted 4GB partition, the rest of the SSD
is unused and should be encrypted before it gets mounted in the system.

The bad news is that eth0 has now failed, seemingly permanently. This
isn't critical, all production communication has always run over eth1,
but I have to admit that this is a sign of (too) old hardware. :\


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