[osmocom-event-orga] 32C3 spectrum assignment

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Sylvain Munaut 246tnt at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 15:03:29 UTC 2015


> Amazing! Is this the first time getting such a large block? Would be a great thing for LTE tests, guess I have to ask what they can do for me :) And how much power had been assigned in the years before?
> I would see 200mW as sufficient, the handhelds also have only 1W at its best, usually less, and you need anyway a BTS every two or three rooms.

I think last time was 5W.

We have several BTS with amplifiers. So we can have small cells in
large crowded area then a few very wide cells to cover all the gaps
everywhere else.

> It will get interesting when this block is in commercial use (they auctioned away the test band this year), what happens with such assignments? I have an all time / everywhere test license for four ARFCNs, and I wonder what they will do in 2017 with it?!

The blocks have already been auctionned and even though only effective
in Jan 2016, it turns out that the authorities have already told
Vodafone that they can use the block any way they like now.

But after posting that there would be no GSM at 32C3, it seems that
someone from Vodafone saw that and since they're not using it yet,
they allowed us to use it one last time :
( http://laforge.gnumonks.org/blog/20151116-gsm_at_32c3/ )

It's however likely that by 33C3, this spectrum will be in use,
especially in a large city and so that's the last time we'll get a
test network.



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