GSM at EasterHegg?

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Helge Jung hej at
Sun Mar 3 10:01:54 UTC 2013

Hi everybody,

a couple of weeks ago we asked if you like to host a GSM network at the
EasterHegg 2013 in Paderborn (the POC is there, too). We received some
individual feedback, but it seems that nobody from the "core" team has
said "yes" yet (which means, if I understood that correctly, the sim
cards from previous events wouldn't be working).

We have successfully applied for a GSM license and got ARFCNs 865 and
871 assigned by the BNetzA. Later, we want to experiment with the C121
used as a basestation for some SMS stuff but the phones won't be able to
run a full voice network. So we're looking for rental hardware and, more
importantly, for people able to operate it. One idea we had was testing
out "IPv6 over GPRS" - I don't know if that's interesting for you?

Kevin and Nico from TU Berlin said we could possibly have their devices
for the event but still we need YOU :-)


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