OsmoDevCon 2022 ?

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Keith keith at rhizomatica.org
Fri Nov 5 17:55:39 UTC 2021

On 05/11/2021 07:18, Kévin Redon wrote:
> I'm also happy to help with the recording and streaming of the public talks for those not able to join on site.

Great Kevin, Thanks. This is something not touched upon yet, other than
assuming that as always, talks would be recorded for consumption by the
wider community. I assume also that adding some text or video remote
participation will also not be beyond us. At least for Q&A, Engel - style.

For my part, at this time I don't feel I have so much to contribute that
would justify travel, health risks etc. So watching live or recordings
will probably be sufficient - In fact, having reference to this archive
is vital, I have often referenced videos after forgetting things -
there's just too much to take in across 4 days of OsmoDevCon.

Something that occurs to me, but it's not a personal preference,
attendance is highly unlikely - but is there any reason to plan for late
April, other than tradition? The few degrees of higher ambient
temperature that are likely in late, or even mid May would seem to make
ventilation so much easier. - My preferred venue - OUTSIDE! Remember
those days at MarienStr when the sun came out, that was great!

Thanks for organising a devcon! Best wishes to all and here's hoping for
some relief next spring and a smooth event!
(I have an unexplainable, totally nonrational gut feeling that covid-19
might just somehow fade away around early spring)


P.D. For what it's worth, for the "record" as they say: IMHO people's
health is on the greater part their own business and responsibility. So
personally, I would have no agenda to segregate people. Besides, unless
one would quarantine 3 or 4 days before, somehow travel to the venue in
a bubble, stay there for the entire con and return home in a bubble to
again quarantine, one could never be sure of the source of any
infection. At the end of the day, If any unvaccinated people are free to
move about in society by end of next spring, it seems likely that their
immunity will be in very good shape, severe winter lockdown
notwithstanding. In terms of tests, my personal experience has been that
they are so unreliable as to be worse than useless, bordering on
dangerous. So I'd skip that.

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