Build failed in Jenkins: Osmocom_OBS_latest #1269

This is merely a historical archive of years 2008-2021, before the migration to mailman3.

A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at

jenkins at jenkins at
Tue Mar 2 01:57:26 UTC 2021

See <>


[Oliver Smith] OBS: don't amend distro specific patch

[laforge] OBS: latest: fix osmo_obs_add_rpm_spec call

[laforge] OBS: latest: run osmo_obs_add_rpm_spec every time

[laforge] OBS: latest: add osmo-gbproxy

[Oliver Smith] jobs/ttcn3: rename ttcn3-ggsn-test-kernel-net-next

[Oliver Smith] jobs/ttcn3: add KERNEL_* parameters

[...truncated 424.24 KB...]
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/changelog
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/compat
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/control
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/copyright
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/osmo-gbproxy-doc.install
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/osmo-gbproxy.init
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/osmo-gbproxy.install
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/rules
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information debian/source/format
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-pool.cfg
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/counters_generated.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-configuration.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-control.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-details.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-overview.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-running.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/chapters/gbproxy-sgsnpool.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/osmogbproxy-usermanual-docinfo.xml
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/osmogbproxy-usermanual.adoc
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/osmogbproxy-vty-reference.xml
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/vty/gbproxy_vty_additions.xml
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information doc/manuals/vty/gbproxy_vty_reference.xml
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information include/osmocom/
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information src/debug.h
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information src/gb_proxy_ctrl.c
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information tests/osmo-gbproxy-pool_test-nodes.vty
W: osmo-gbproxy source: file-without-copyright-information tests/osmo-gbproxy_test-nodes.vty
W: osmo-gbproxy source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright __no_copyright_nor_license__ (paragraph at line 5)
W: osmo-gbproxy source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright gpl-3+ (paragraph at line 66)
Finished running lintian.
+ [ ! -d <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy ]
+ mkdir <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy
+ mv <> <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/
+ mv <> <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/
+ cd <>:osmocom:latest
+ osc add osmo-gbproxy
A    osmo-gbproxy
A    osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy_0.1.0.dsc
A    osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy_0.1.0.tar.xz
+ osmo_obs_add_rpm_spec <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy <> osmo-gbproxy osmocom-latest
+ local oscdir=<>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy
+ local repodir=<>
+ local name=osmo-gbproxy
+ local depend=osmocom-latest
+ local dependver=
+ find <> -name
+ local spec_in=<>
+ local spec=<>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec
+ local tarball
+ local version
+ local epoch
+ [ -z <> ]
+ cp <> <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec
+ osmo_obs_add_depend_rpm <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec osmo-gbproxy osmocom-latest 
+ local spec=<>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec
+ local pkgname=osmo-gbproxy
+ local depend=osmocom-latest
+ local dependver=
+ [ osmo-gbproxy = osmocom-latest ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo #
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # spec file for package osmo-gbproxy
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo #
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # Copyright (c) 2017, Martin Hauke <mardnh at>
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # Copyright (c) 2021, sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo #
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo # published by the Open Source Initiative.
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo ## Disable LTO for now since it breaks compilation of the tests
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo ##
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %define _lto_cflags %{nil}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Name:           osmo-gbproxy
+ echo Requires: osmocom-latest
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Version:        @VERSION@
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Release:        0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Summary:        Osmocom GPRS Gb Interface Proxy
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo License:        AGPL-3.0-or-later AND GPL-2.0-or-later
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Group:          Productivity/Telephony/Servers
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo URL:  
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  autoconf
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  automake
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  libtool
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %if 0%{?suse_version}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  systemd-rpm-macros
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %endif
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcrypto) >= 0.9.5
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libosmocore) >= 1.5.0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libosmoctrl) >= 1.5.0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libosmogb) >= 1.5.0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libosmogsm) >= 1.5.0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libosmovty) >= 1.5.0
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{?systemd_requires}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %description
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo The purpose of the Gb proxy is to aggregate the Gb links of multiple
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo BSS's and present them in one Gb link to the SGSN.
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %prep
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %setup -q
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %build
+ [ -n  ]
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo echo "%{version}" >.tarball-version
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo autoreconf -fi
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %configure \
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo   --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} \
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo   --with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo make %{?_smp_mflags}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %install
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %make_install
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %if 0%{?suse_version}
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %preun  %service_del_preun  %{name}.service
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %postun %service_del_postun %{name}.service
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %pre    %service_add_pre    %{name}.service
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %post   %service_add_post   %{name}.service
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %endif
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %check
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo make %{?_smp_mflags} check || (find . -name testsuite.log -exec cat {} +)
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %files
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %doc AUTHORS
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %dir %{_docdir}/%{name}/examples
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %dir %{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/osmo-gbproxy
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-legacy.cfg
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy-pool.cfg
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{_bindir}/osmo-gbproxy
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %dir %{_sysconfdir}/osmocom
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/osmocom/osmo-gbproxy.cfg
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %{_unitdir}/%{name}.service
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo 
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo %changelog
+ IFS= read -r line
+ mv <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/ <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec
+ grep ^Version: +  <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy_0.1.0.dsc
cut -d: -f2-
+ xargs
+ version=1:0.1.0
+ echo 1:0.1.0
+ cut -d : -f 1
+ epoch=1
+ echo 1:0.1.0
+ cut -d : -f 2
+ version=0.1.0
+ [ -n 1 ]
+ sed -i s/^Version:.*/Version:  0.1.0\nEpoch:    1/g <>:osmocom:latest/osmo-gbproxy/osmo-gbproxy.spec
+ ls -1 osmo-gbproxy_*.tar.*
ls: cannot access 'osmo-gbproxy_*.tar.*': No such file or directory
+ tarball=
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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