OsmoCon 2018 draft schedule announced

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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Thu Aug 16 18:48:41 UTC 2018

Dear Osmocom community,

the first schedule of the 2018 incarnation of OsmoCon 2018 has been announced,
see http://osmocom.org/news/99 for the announcment and
https://pretalx.sysmocom.de/osmocon2018/schedule/ for the actual schedule.

At OsmoCon, we are not targetting developers, but more the wider community
and Osmocom users.  It would be great to meet many of you and hear more
about your relation to Osmocom.

Tickets are available from https://pretix.sysmocom.de/sysmocom/osmocon2018/,
and until August 31st the early bird discount still applies.

For those with a community / "just for fun" background and no employer
that would cover the ticket, we have a number of subsidized community discount
vouchers available.  See the OsmoCon 2018 wiki page at
for more information.

Looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible in roughly two
months from now,
	Harald Welte

- Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
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