Problem with connecting to network

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R M rm.engineer84 at
Sat May 10 10:51:37 UTC 2014


I have recently purchased a SIM card. When I use the SIM in Nokia 3310, and
try to manually select a particular cell, it says no access. SIM belongs to
the same network.

If I insert the same SIM in Blackberry Bold 9780, I am able to manually
select the same network and even make phone calls. I have set the Network
selection mode in Blackberry to Manual. I have also asked it connect only
to 2G networks.

To debug the issue, I  connected the Nokia 3310 to my laptop and observed
the messages it exchanged with the network. From the messages, I see that
Nokia 3310 is getting a TIMSI assigned from the same cell.

But my Nokia 3310 says, No Access.

I also see a "DTAP Radio Resources Management Message Type: Channel Release
(0x0d)" message from the Network to the phone.

What does the above message mean ?

Is there any way for me to further debug the issue ?

Thanks and Regards,
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