the Paging response can be received every time I get SMS?

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Harald Welte laforge at
Tue May 22 06:27:38 UTC 2012

Hi Chengchen Gou,

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:01:32AM +0800, Chengcheng Gou wrote:
> the  Paging response is uplink, How can I received it?

I think there is noe of those "one line messages" from you on this list
every day.

While we all appreciate your interest in OsmocomBB, I would like you to
notice the following:

1) this list does not exist for your personal education or training, but
it is a community list where developers share their experience and
collaboratively work together.  So far, I yet have to see any
contribution from you.  This means, you are asking a lot of questions
(taking information and using other peoples' time for free) but at least
so far without giving something back.  Where are your patches for the
code?  Your updates to our documentation/wiki?  Where are your responses
to other peoples's questions?

2) If you are going to take advantage of the expertise present on this
list, it would be extremely polite to write mails that are longer than
one to five lines.  Please read the list archives, you will probably
find nobody ever on this list who has consistently written messages that
only consist of one line.  Please at least pay respect to the other
people on this list by properly explaining what you are trying to do

3) We are not your free teaching/training program about how GSM works,
and how the TI Calypso works.  OsmocomBB is the result of thousands of
hours of spare time work by lots of dedicated engineers.  So again, out
of respect to the work of others, I would like you to at least spend
some significant amount of time to try to resolve your questions by
yourse,f, _before_ you post to this list.   And once you post, please
describe what you have done so far in order to resolve your question.

I for my part have personally decided to no longer respond to your messages.


- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
                                                  (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)

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