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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.orgHi Alexander, On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 02:02:34PM +0300, Alexander Chemeris wrote: > I want to point that except usual mobile phones there are GSM modems which > do not require any UI and thus require less work to be done. Also they are > often connected to a power grid and don't have strict power consumption > limits. And at last, but not at least modem users often need some peculiat > functionality, which they would love to see embedded. And that's where > OsmocomBB stands out significantly from all existing modems. > > I'm not sure if there are any modems based on Calypso chipset, but even a > phone serving as a modem may suffice in some cases. I don't think thre is much point to that. If you have an industrial embedded/m2m application, then the first thing you worry about is reliability. There you want to have a GSM stack that is tested and evaluated thoroughly, and which is deployed for a decade or two, in as many networks as possible. Sierra, Cinterion, Wavecom and others have a well-established market, and their products do very well in adressing that markets needs. I don't see what OsmoocmBB would bring that they'd require. The target user for the "OsmocomBB based phone" would be primarily a "free software enthusiast", i.e. somebody who likes Free Software for the fredom that it has. And such users are interested in real telephones, notin modems for embedded systems. -- - Harald Welte <laforge at> ============================================================================ "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option." (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)