everyone got unsubcribed in November 2014?

This is merely a historical archive of years 2008-2021, before the migration to mailman3.

A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at https://lists.osmocom.org/hyperkitty/list/baseband-devel@lists.osmocom.org/.

Tim Ehlers osmocom at ehlers.info
Wed Jan 7 21:48:38 UTC 2015

Dear OsmocomBB-list,

I just realized that I've been unsubscribed since November 2014 from the 
baseband-devel list and now I resubscribed today. The Mail-archive seems 
to start from scratch since these days, too. So I guess, that this is not 
an individual problem of my email address.

What happened (HDD-crash)? Why is that not mentioned on the website? Maybe 
I am not the last one realizing that?



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