c1xx with filter re-work

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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Thu Nov 10 15:51:39 UTC 2011

we could provide one as early as next week. the price is high as there is a lot of time spent in re-soldering.
Sent from a mobile device, excuse my short response

Lorik Sefaj <sefaj at generalstudio.ch> wrote:

hehe "out of stock"


but thanks anyways


On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Sylvain Munaut <246tnt at gmail.com> wrote:


> Considering my soldering skills and the fact that I just ruined a c123
> trying to replace the filters (which was working perfectly with patched
> burst_ind and got me a lot of downlink traffic to work with).
> Anyways without wasting your time my question is: does anybody have a c1xx
> with filter re-work for sale?

See http://shop.sysmocom.de/



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