[osmocom-event-orga] Updates on Osmocom Conference 2017

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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Mon Mar 27 13:14:10 UTC 2017

OsmoCon 2017 updates

There are some updates related to OsmoCon2017, the first Osmocom
Conference, held on April 21st, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

See http://osmocom.org/news/68 for the web version of this announcement.

== Summary ==

Summary (for those too busy to read the full post):
* Schedule of talks has been released
* Travel Grants available for participants who are otherwise unable to
  travel to Berlin: http://osmocom.org/projects/osmo-dev-con/wiki/OsmoCon2017_TravelGrants
* Social Event details available, including menu:
* April 21st is approaching fast, make sure you get your Ticket in time.
  Limited number of seats available

== Details ==

=== Schedule has been released ===

The list of talks with their abstracts has been on the website for quite
some time, but now we actually have put together a schedule based on
those talks.

Please see
for the schedule.

As you can see, the day is fully packed with talks about Osmocom
cellular infrastructure projects. We had to cut some talk slots short
(30min instead of 45min), but I'm confident that it is good to cover a
wider range of topics, while at the same time avoiding fragmenting the
audience with multiple tracks.

=== Travel Grants ===

We are happy to announce that we have received donations to permit for
providing travel grants!

This means that any attendee who is otherwise not able to cover their
travel to OsmoCon 2017 (e.g. because their interest in Osmocom is not
related to their work, or because their employer doesn't pay the travel
expenses) can now apply for such a travel grant.

For more details see
and/or constact osmocon2017 at sysmocom.de.

=== Social Event ===

Tech Talks are nice and fine, but what many people enjoy even more at
conferences is the informal networking combined with good food. For
this, we have the social event at night, which is open to all attendees.

See more details about it at

- Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
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