[osmocom-event-orga] USIM + STK support at 32C3

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Holger Freyther holger at freyther.de
Sat Dec 26 17:01:25 UTC 2015


the SIM cards we started distributing at 31C3 (and then the camp and now the 32C3) support the
SIM Toolkit. Last year Dieter (!) has modified the shady tools to install STKs app either through a
PCSC reader or print SMPP snippets that can be send as a SMS.

I have now published the hello-stk[1] and the sim-tools[2] and written and verified a small wiki page[3].
The wiki of events.ccc.de is down right now but what we would need is:

* Get users to know their KIC1/KID1 + token(e.g. ICCID?)
* Get users to be able to send their applet (hex  + the token)?

My approach would be:

* Configure a destination number/ESME that is routed to a python script that includes the IMSI as
the standard osmocom vendor extension and then send a message back (and let it queue at the

* Create a second part that has a webform that takes the token + hex and then creates a DeliverSM
message and asks NITB to send it by IMSI (if we support it).

* Get someone from "outside" build it.


[1] http://git.osmocom.org/sim/hello-stk/
[2] http://git.osmocom.org/sim/sim-tools/
[3] https://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/shadysim.py

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