OsmoDevCon 2022 ?

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Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 22:53:17 UTC 2021

Neels Hofmeyr wrote:

> I'd like to add that I find it should also be sufficient to have recovered
> from COVID.

Back in December 2020 into January 2021 I was indeed sick with Covid;
one could even argue that I caught it deliberately on purpose, as I
was defiantly attending every illegal superspreader event I could
find in my neck of the woods, until I finally got my wish of catching
the C in late December.  I never got tested, never got put on any
official counts of "cases", and I principally refused any and all
medical care, i.e., I recovered entirely on my own with zero medical
assistance or intervention.

Beyond my word, the only evidence I have of having had Covid and
having recovered from it consists of antibodies in my blood.  When I
had my gender confirmation surgery in Mexico a little over 2 months
ago (late August), they insisted on doing their Covid test; I objected
to the hockey stick up my nose, so they did a blood test instead -
initially.  On the morning of my surgery they drew my blood, and then
they tell me that the test came out positive!  Their next step was to
do a PCR test; thankfully they agreed to do their PCR with an
oropharyngeal swab instead of nasopharyngeal, and it came out negative,
hence I was able to get my surgery done on the original schedule.

I looked up what kind of Covid-related blood tests exist out there,
and as far as I can tell, a blood test means an antibody test, not
anything else.  Thus the positive blood test which I had on the morning
of August 26 in Tijuana must have been a Covid antibody test, with the
positive result meaning that I have those antibodies in my blood, or
at least did back in August.  I am currently in the process of
attempting to retrieve a record of that antibody test from the Mexican
medical office that coordinated my surgery.

If I do get a copy of those blood test results showing that I had
Covid antibodies in me as of 2021-08-26, would it be sufficient proof
for your purposes that I recovered from Covid?  Would I be then
eligible to attend your Berlin gathering without vaccination or
further testing requirements?  I am including the part about further
testing requirements because you mentioned:

> This is a common rule in schools in Berlin that does relieve teachers
> from the need to test regularly (called 2G, incidentally).

For me a trip to Berlin would be a *big* financial undertaking, both
in direct costs (flight and accommodations) and time away from other
activities such as my day job - thus I cannot take any chances.  Being
asked to take further tests, with my ability to attend conditionalized
on the test yielding a certain result, would be akin to being asked to
flip a coin on the morning of the event and being denied attendance if
the coin lands tails - absolutely not acceptable given the financial
commitment involved in travel.  Therefore, the only way I will be able
to make the travel investment (buy the plane ticket and make the major
time investment as well) would be if there are NO further barriers
such as tests.


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