OpenBSC on Solaris (Sqlite3)

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Omar Atia omar.atia at
Fri Dec 31 16:10:36 UTC 2010

Dear Holger,
I have installed libdbi as prerequisite for compiling openbsc sources and linked successfully with the objects generated now I'm trying to run 

The following :

[ITSHPS]celtabs:/oradata/u01/celtabs/openbsc/openbsc/openbsc/src>./bsc_hack -c openbsc.cfg.nanobts
<0012> db.c:192 Failed to create connection.
DB: Failed to init database. Please check the option settings. 

The program has write privileges on the directory 

I'm not able to connect to DB even if I specify -l option with DB name .

The issue is that I have the following sqlite3 :

-rw-r--r--   1 celtabs  tabs      3440640 Dec 30 16:50 libdbi-0.8.4.tar
drwxrwxrwx   7 celtabs  tabs         1024 Dec 30 16:53 libdbi-0.8.4
-rw-r--r--   1 celtabs  tabs     10547200 Dec 30 17:14 sqlite3_3.5.9.orig.tar
drwxrwxrwx  12 celtabs  tabs         3584 Dec 30 17:27 sqlite3-3.5.9

I put sqlite3 path in the env . variable PATH and I'm able to login into sqlite3 , a question is it necessary  to have  dbd-sqlite3 or any sqlite3 could work ...see from the session :

SQLite version 3.5.9
Enter ".help" for instructions

Kindly advise what is the issue and if I need to download dbd-sqlite3 kindly provide link for that if you please .

Thanks and happy new year .

Omar Atia

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