osmocom dect PP-mode

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Pavel Nakonechny zorg1331 at gmail.com
Sun May 8 12:43:34 UTC 2016


I am currently playing with Osmocom DECT software stack using COM-ON-AIR
PCI card.

What I am trying to achieve is to configure test PC as portable part and
connect it to DECT base station.

I have cloned and successfully compiled the following repos:

Following instructions on dect.osmocom.org/wiki/Configuration page I
configured PP.

However, the example app dect-llme-scan was able to work only after
uncommenting line:

//nl_dect_llme_mac_info_set_pari(lmsg, pari);

With the line above uncommented, dect-llme-scan returns the list of
available base stations. So I assume, that hardware and most part of
software works.

Then I tried to use example pp-access-rights to connect to the test base
station. This app fails immediately after launch for the same reason as
dect-llme-scan. Thus, I have added nl_dect_llme_mac_info_set_pari(lmsg,
pari); with empty PARI to dect_netlink_mac_me_info_req(struct dect_handle
*dh) function. With this modification, the example moves farther, but fails
anyway with "No such file or directory" message on this line:

if (connect(ddl->dfd->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ddl->dlei,
   sizeof(ddl->dlei)) < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)
goto err3;

in file lce.c

All in all. May I at first ask about how to properly configure portable

Here I have to specify EMC and FPN of the base station?
# dect-cluster-add --name cluster0 --mode fp --emc 0x1182 --fpn 0x0fac3

# dect-cell-add --name cell0 --cluster cluster0
# dect-transceiver-bind --transceiver trx0 --cell cell0

What should I use here as IPUI? Some random identifier of my PP?
# pp-access-rights --cluster cluster0 --pin 0000 --ipui 0x11830fac4

And, in general, are the sources in repos I listed previously were tested
in PP mode or they are not fully functional yet?

Thanks in advance. :)

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