Hi, Can someone point me to the current repo of  UHD, openBTS and Gnuradio ?
I found several locations especially for openBTS and UHD i.e.:
"-b gprs-exp https://github.com/fairwaves/openbts-2.8.git"
"-b gprs-exp https://github.com/chemeris/openbts-p2.8.git"
"-b umtrx https://github.com/chemeris/openbts-p2.8.git"
So which one of the above is correct?
Again, which one of the above is correct?
I assume the below is correct:
"wget http://gnuradio.org/redmine/attachments/download/279/gnuradio-3.4.2.tar.gz"
I need a version of  UHD, openBTS and Gnuradio that will run with both USRP1 and UmTRX at the same time. I mean, one of them connected at a time, but I do not want to have two computers with separate installations for usrp1 and UmTRX.
Can I configure openBTS with --with-usrp1 --with-singledb  --with-uhd  ?
I mean, can I enable usrp1 and uhd at the same time ?
How to switch then between usrp1 and UmTRX ?