Hi All,

I added control logic of LMS reset pins into ZPU firmware (commit 25a89e337b98f89d542a8bd51a3bfb6dc2a9f441 at the akarpenkov/dual-channel branch).
I need to take control under Diversity switches and LMS reset pins from host. As I understand, python script "umtrx_ctrl.py" is not able write FPGA registers, it's can talk only with SPI devices.
Max, Sylvain or anyone else, can you help me get access to FPGA registers (they connected to wishbone bus) from host? I'm not very good at programming on python..
UHD can do this (example here: host\lib\usrp\usrp2\usrp2_impl.cpp:530).

Also I added second RX and TX channels to the FPGA firmware and according with that changed memory maps in ZPU and HOST firmwares (all changes at the akarpenkov/dual-channel branch on github).
Work of TX and RX DSP 2 units I can't check due to complete lack of support in the HOST software. Could anyone make needed changes at HOST firmware?

Andrew Karpenkov