Hello all, I would do a sim-emulator software that runs on my PC.
First thing to do is a an interface to connect my PC with sim slot phone.
So I am using this simple interface :

I took a CP2102 module, see this page for example http://esaid.free.fr/Cdotnet/USB_serial.htm,
then I have put a diode between TXD and RXD, then I have connected RXD to I/O of phone sim slot,
DSR of CP2102 module to RESET of phone sim slot and connected the two grounds.

         |         |________   TXD                              
+5V------|         |     |                                      
 DP------|  CP2102 |___ /__   RXD   -------  I/O phone sim slot
 DM------|         |                                            
 GND-----|         |---------  DSR   ------- RESET phone sim slot
         |         |                                            
         |_________|--------   GND   ------- GND  phone sim slot

I have tested this interface with a phone , I can detect reset from phone then I send this ATR: 3B 16 95 D0 01 7B BD 0D 00 ( this is the ATR I can read form a real sim card with a phoenix reader),
but I don't have any response from phone.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.