Hello Rogan,

I'm the author of the Wiki page about the stick.
I am really glad to see some interest in the device.

Do you have ADB access, or that has already been disabled?
You could try to flash a new firmware on the device, using the provided flasher application (Windows only). Would you be open to run the firmware updater tool with my modified rootfs, that would enable ADB for the stick?
I think the A1 firmware is compatible, but I cannot say for sure. All I know is that my stick's LED doesn't properly do status indication since I run the upgrade, but otherwise it functions as a modem.
I'd be happy to co-operate on this project, because I think it is quite interesting.

About the shields: as it could be seen on the pictures I just lifted the metal with a screewdriver to reveal the chips. The A2 has those maybe soldered on?

Also I just noticed D-Link has released 2 new firmwares since I last checked. I will see if I can somehow update my dongle from the current semi-broken state.


2018. okt. 30. dátummal, 9:43 időpontban Rogan Dawes <rogan@dawes.za.net> írta:

Hi folks,

I have purchased a DLink DWM-222 with the intention of exploring the
Linux OS running inside it, and if possible, compiling some additional
USB gadgets to use with it.

FWIW, the USB ID's are 2001:ac01 before modeswitch, and 2001:7e3d
after switching.

It creates ttyUSB[0-4] when switched, and the VID:PID added to the
option driver.

I was wondering if there had been any further developments in the
exploration of the A1 hardware or firmware, in terms of gaining a
shell on the device at all without soldering?

Some initial probing has shown some 1.8v signals on some of the test
points, so I will check those with a scope while booting to see if I
can identify some waveforms, hopefully indicating a UART. I do have a
FTDI UART with a voltage reference, so I am fairly confident that I
can access those signals without damaging the device once identified.

Unfortunately, the updated hardware has complete shields over the
interesting bits, so I cannot identify chips, etc. I have also not
been able to find firmware for the A2, the only firmware I could find
was at ftp://ftp.d-link.co.za/DWM/dwm222/Firmware/, marked as A1. I'll
check to see if they are compatible. And of course, will be copying
the driver software from the embedded CDROM.


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