I wonder what the difference between FC0013 and FC0012 is. I cannot find any datasheet on the web.
The code between the 2 is very similar.
However, the FC0012 driver has no "Set_VhfTrack" function (but it covers VHF band 3) and I couldn't find yet where the switch between bands happens.

Otherwise, the EZCAP eztv646 stick is recognised with 0x0bda VID and 0x2838 PID (but has no e4000 tuner).


De : Steve Markgraf <>
À : Mathias Coinchon <>
Cc : "" <>
Envoyé le : Lundi 19 mars 2012 14h08
Objet : Re: FC0012 tuner


On 19.03.2012 13:43, Mathias Coinchon wrote:
> I have an ezcap ez646 USB stick, based on rtl2832u but this one has a
> FC0012 tuner chip.
> I wondered if some of you had information or clues about this tuner as
> you have developped the driver for the FC0013.

The FC0013 driver was taken from the Linux kernel driver that Realtek
released, so can be the FC0012 driver.


I don't have a stick with a FC0012 yet, but might get one in the next
days. I will add support as soon as I get my hands on it.

It also needs some code to control the GPIOs of the RTL2832, since you
have to toggle a pin of the FC0012 to switch between bands.
