Aren't two dongles needed to capture that frequencies simultaneously?
Am 15.08.19, 17:50, "Hudspeth, Robert Lee" <> schrieb:
Hello! I am an undergraduate student at Oregon State University working with RTL-SDR dongles for an academic project under supervision from Benjamin Brewster, and I had a dev question.

I'm trying to run utilities that capture 978 & 1090Mhz traffic simultaneously, but I can't seem to stop rtl_sdr from allocating too many zero-copy buffers and preventing both programs from running simultaneously (I'd like to cut down from 15). I've been through librtlsdr.c and rtl_adsb.c with the hope of manually changing some variable that will let me accomplish this to no avail. 

Is there some line I might have overlooked, or some additional parameter(s) I might need to enter?