I’ve been playing with a python application to scan, find and record strong signals.
I attached the code with the hope that someone would like to improve it … maybe 
put it on sourceforge or github. I will not have time to do anything about it for a few 

Works at least with linux … haven’t tried OSX or win. 
Needs: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, npyscreen (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/npyscreen/), 
pyrtlsdr (https://github.com/roger-/pyrtlsdr/releases [use the old release, new code python 3 only])

start with: 

python peekSDR.py -d (in one window to start database)
python peekSDR.py -vr (in one window to start radio scanning)
python peekSDR.py -g (in one window to start user interface)

[can be run on different computers as long as you have the same filesystem and stand in the same directory]

in the user interface “f” plots ffts of recorded signals. “1” starts gqrx with the recorded signal.

Best wishes - Magnus