heh ... well it may be a waste, but it was an honest waste: it was the cheapest PC-USB FM radio offered on an ebay auction ($14 shipping included) and I'd already tried several USB-cable FM radios that turned out to be completely useless for various reasons, and even wal-mart can't sell a decent FM radio these days for even twice that price, so it seemed like a reasonable gamble, and as it is, I've now (a) discovered the whole SDR phenomenon and (b) learned that I might someday get FM, CB, police and weather all from this one device that as it turns out, I didn't really need because pulseaudio can do what I originally needed.

so I'm not complaining, I'm just looking in on wide-eyed naivity bewildered by the great vistas that now open before me :)

and now you'll have to excuse me, I'm off to google HDSDR :) 

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Adam Nielsen <a.nielsen@shikadi.net> wrote:
 From what I understand, the digital TV standard here in Canada is different
from DVB-T (I am a complete neophyte at all of this) and so that particular
feature of the device won't be of much use to me, but as for the FM, I'm on
the Ubuntu/Linux GNU platform, so I'm awaiting on the kindness of strangers to
perfect the kernel drivers enough to match the Windows kit performance. But
that's okay, because I'm learning a lot in the process :)

The DVB-T option isn't much use to anyone, because we all bought the device for SDR purposes :-)  No disrespect, but wanting to use the device just for FM radio is a bit of a waste - you have the Swiss Army Knife of radio receivers, but you only want to use the corkscrew?

Just for the record, there are no kernel drivers for the SDR side of things, it's all done in userspace.  This userspace code, developed by people on this list, is designed to operate under Linux and it then gets ported to Windows. So luckily for you, running Linux means you'll always have easy access to the latest userspace driver code, before it gets to Windows.

Unfortunately so much SDR software is Windows only, especially the packages aimed at beginners like myself, who don't know enough about RF yet to get any GNURadio flow graphs working.

Personally the best I have done so far is to run HDSDR under Wine, and use the Linux BorIP server to pass data (via loopback TCP) between Wine and the RTL device.  This allows HDSDR to run pretty much the same as it does under Windows.

But of course HDSDR can't quite do FM radio (since it only goes up to 96kHz), but it does work really well for receiving other NBFM and AM broadcasts (police, aircraft, etc.)


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