Hi there,


That's odd - do you have WiringPi installed?




The script makes use of this excellent program to control the GPIO and also to report on the pin status. Originally I was using the native method of controlling the GPIO using export and echoing a value to the files on the pi. I stumbled onto WiringPi, which makes controlling the pins far simpler and does not require root privs to set them up.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Favati" <smile_k@libero.it>
To: osmocom-sdr@lists.osmocom.org
Sent: Thursday, 9 May, 2013 18:30:51 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: Raspberry Pi based remote SDR head

Il 03/05/2013 01:57, Simon PurplePlaNET ha scritto:
> Hi folks,
> I've been messing around with rtl_tcp and an RTL2832 device on a Raspberry Pi and want to add a bank of front end filters and a LNA that can be controlled by the GPIO.
> I want to allow manual control of the signal path via a web page hosted on the Pi, but also want to be able to have the filters selected automatically based on the frequency that the RTL device is tuned to.
> I noticed that rtl_tcp helpfully echos the frequency changes to the console, so I wrote a simple shell script to gather this data and control the GPIO.
> Somebody may have already done this and there is probably a better way to achieve it but, if this would be of any use to you, please feel free to copy and use as you wish.
> http://www.purpleplanet.org/?q=rtl-robot
> Cheers,
> Simon

Just tryed this command:

stdbuf --output=0 rtl_tcp -a -p 1234 > rtl.data

I don't have anything connected to the gpio pins...but i cannot see any
output from your script while changing freqs...(yes, i've gone below
100mhz and above 500mhz).
It's quite strange....the rtl.data is created in the same folder of your
Taking a look at rtl.data, it contains the correct output of the
standard output of rtl_tcp.

Any idea?