I'm getting some errors when using gnuradio-companion with the osmocom source that I think might be a bug related to this patch: cgit.osmocom.org/gr-osmosdr/commit/?id=e5f7b28093c10f05d272bcf12c6c4b6583af7021


This is the output I get:

Using Volk machine: avx_32_mmx_orc

gr-osmosdr v0.1.0-66-g154c4ddd (0.1.1git) gnuradio 3.7.1

built-in source types: file fcd rtl_tcp bladerf rfspace

[bladeRF source] Using nuand LLC bladeRF #0 SN 909d...c10c FW v1.6.1 FPGA v0.0.2

Failed to set out of bound frequency: 1.37912e+08



When I look at the patch in the commit I linked above that error relates to setting the input frequency.  There are 2 expected parameters get_freq_range( chan ).start() get_freq_range( chan ).stop() but in the GUI osmocom source there is only Ch0 Frequency (center) and Ch0 Bandwidth, both of which I have set.  I don’t see a way to define the start and stop frequency which seems to be generating this error.