Ok so I merged some forks into mine. I'll wait for Joseph to add me as a librtlsdr organization member to merge it with the organization repo.


So basically I added the SDR# manual gains change to the librtlsdr ( from https://sourceforge.net/projects/sdrr820tmanualgainsettings/ )
Then I merged Hayati changes to the DC Filter from https://github.com/hayguen/librtlsdr

I am taking a look into Alexander Kurpiers changes ( https://github.com/dl8aau/librtlsdr/tree/devel1 ) before merging because he did a lot more commits and also he also added the Manual Gains to the code. So I will take a look and test both codes.


Em 05/03/2016 15:59, Lucas Teske escreveu:
Sure! That is good! :D

If you can add me, I will in a few hours have some free time to merge my fork changes into it.

Also anyone that have a working fork please send the link to the repos so I can check it.

On 05/03/2016 14:47, Joseph Poirier wrote:
fyi - I just created a librtlsdr organization on github (github.com/librtlsdr) and cloned https://github.com/steve-m/librtlsdr to it.

It would be nice to aggregate a list of the most interesting forks and attempt to merge some of the features and/or fixes in, and possibly get this fork tagged as the canonical fork for packages, users, etc. If we can get some sort of a majority approval that is.

I'll be more than happy to add permissions for people and/or pass it off to someone that might have more time than myself to manage.


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 11:50 PM, A. Maitland Bottoms <bottoms@debian.org> wrote:
Henk writes:
 > Oeps, sorry forgot to quote the original post of joseph.
 > +1
 > Hmm in my opinion rtl_sdr is the next best thing since the invention
 > of canned beer :) since it liberated the airwaves for allot of users.
 > Regards,
 > henk
 > On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Joseph Poirier <jdpoirier@gmail.com> wrote:
 > > If would be nice to have a newer official release available; installation
 > > using the package manager on many Linux distros gets a two year old
 > > librtlsdr that's missing the rtlsdr_set_tuner_bandwidth function (added
 > > about nine months ago), as well as, other nice updates and fixes.
 > >
 > > cheers,
 > > joe

Oh yes, Debian Jessie did not release with rtlsdr bandwidth setting code.
But, the rtl-sdr currently available in Debian unstable, testing and
jessie-backports include current git HEAD code - v0.5.3-12-ge3c03f7.
(based upon git://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr.git)

So, while the Debian source package starts from the v0.5.3 tag, I use
the 3.0 (quilt) source format to also include more recent git commits.

Ubuntu Wily Werewolf and Xenial Xerus also contain rtl-sdr based on

A release would be good. I'd be happy to reduce the amount of stuff
in the debian/ packaging directory - the various man pages could
be adopted upstream, as well as the improve-librtlsdr-pc-file and
improve-scanning-range-parsing patches.

And a gpg signed tarball release, or even just a gpg signed tag
would be a help in establishing source code integrity. A new release
for osmocom might indeed help synchronize the various distributions.

Thanks for keeping me informed,