I have been fighting to compile the gr-osmosdr package in my osx

These are the minor fixes I had to do:
1- Change in Cmakelists.txt:  find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread system), If thread and system is not included then there are linking problems. Although I see that this was removed recently...

 2- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/local (so it is installed together wit my ports intallation, this is really optional)
3- Before compiling I manually edit CmakeCache.txt, and change all the references of /usr/lib/python to /opt/local/lib/python. If not it links agains the system python instead of the ports's python!
4- Add this line in my .bashrc so python can find the package
          export PYTHONPATH="/opt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/"

I am aware that this is not the most elegant way to solve the problem but is the only one that I was able to come up. Hope it helps
