Hello Dimitri,


Please take https://github.com/willcode/gr-osmosdr/tree/sdrplay2


This requires v2.13 of the API and supports all RSPs in single tuner mode.


Best regards,




From: horizon <horiz0n@gmx.net>
Sent: 15 August 2018 7:46 PM
To: software@sdrplay.com; willcode4@gmail.com; frank_lists@superlogical.ch; osmocom-sdr@lists.osmocom.org
Subject: sdrplay2: Which changes to merge?


 trying to figure out what patches to merge for sdrplay2 suppoort. So far i've received the following sources:

Frank's patch by email on 06/30/18



Could you please comment on whats the most recent and correct state to apply? Thanks a lot!


Best regards,
