On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 15:58, Brad Walker <bwalker@musings.com> wrote:
I've been studying the rtl_adsb.c code and it's very interesting how it works..

But, I have question.

I noticed that if I request verbose output using the "-V" option, then the CRC is printed out. But, it doesn't look like the code actually does any Reed-Soloman error correction to the data  the ADS-B specification documents.

1090MHz (Mode S extended squitter) ADS-B does not use R-S error correction, it's just a 24-bit CRC (or an xor of that with the aircraft address for some message types). Maybe you are thinking of 978Mhz (UAT) ADS-B, which is not handled by rtl_adsb at all?

There is some error correction that's possible even with just the CRC but it's not particularly reliable.
