
Thank you Thierry and Andreas for your work. I've been experimenting with rtl-sdr library with different RTL2832U devices -- initially for receiving/decoding ADS-B data, and now for ACARS data -- and have been very impressed by the device and the code. For ACARS I was on the same path -- i.e. merging Thierry's code with rtl_fm (AM mode) -- and I'm very happy to see Andreas has already done it!

Incidentally, my plan for writing an ADS-B decoder was also (fortunately) shortened when I discovered Dump1090 (Salvatore Sanfilippo) and a nice fork of it (MalcolmRobb).

To compile rtl_acars.c, I added it to my local rtl_sdr source directory and made a few mods to the CMakeLists.txt files, etc to build/install it. The diffs can be found here (includes my mods to CMakeLists.txt to compile on Mac OS X):



Thierry Leconte wrote:
Le 15/07/2013 09:54, Andreas Reinhardt a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I have combined "rtl_fm" with Thierry Leconte's (GPL'ed) acarsdec library code and created "rtl_acars" which can directly decode ACARS flight info messages to the console.
Hey that's great news!
I just bought a rtl card for fun recently and subscribe to  this list  .
Very happy to see someone use my very old acars decoder code :-)
will try it very soon !