Sorry guys, the Github link I gave was invalid.  I believe this should work:


On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:42 PM, Scott Cutler <> wrote:
Greetings, all--
A while back I asked some questions about licensing of the rtl-sdr libraries, especially with regard to use with non-GPL software.  At the time, I was told that the ExtIO libraries were considered an acceptable use-case.

My code has been in development, and for various reasons--the largest being the desire for transmit support--I have developed my own HW abstraction layer called SDRIO.  At the moment, I support rtl-sdr, bladeRF, and Funcube Dongle devices via the abstraction layer.  The layer will, of course, be GNU licensed and thus free for anyone to modify or extend.

My intent is thus for SDRIO to live in the same niche as ExtIO and thus have the blessings of the developers.  I'm aware that you cannot give legal advice; my hope is only that, if someone comes to me saying I violated the rtl-sdr license, that at least I can tell them that I've talked with the lead developers and that they've given me the same permissions as the ExtIO developers.

I have placed the code here in case anyone wishes to look at the current state (though please note that the text of the licensing is not yet finished):

The SDRIO_RTLSDR module is quite thin and I hope does not give the impression that SDRIO is just supposed to be a wrapper.  If you look at the other devices, you can see that they require more code and that the project as a whole is quite a bit more than a wrapper.  

Thank you for your time!
