Hey Cattalina,

As stated in the logs, the openbsc44.conf config has some problem. You should re-write it. If you want, you can use this one as a base.
Let me know if you more help :)

Filipe Laíns (FFY00) https://github.com/FFY00 3DCE 51D6 0930 EBA4 7858 BA41 46F6 33CB B0EB 4BF2

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Cattalina Maria <cattalina.nicolescu@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello. I have some problems.I want to create a GSM network for my final diploma project for University.I'm using USRP2 and I haven't find any specific configuration files for this type of USRP.Do you have any configuration files for USRP2? I'm running Kali Linux (amd64). I've attached the config files that I've used from osmocom.org and some printscreens.Sorry for my English.I'm looking forward for your response.Thank you!

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