Thanks for this! I've been doing quite a bit with the ADS-B and want to add ACARS and see what I get. 

So far mainly using the modes_rx stuff, although dump1090 is way more efficient and has error correction, modes_rx has kml output and I've been modding the kml. I think on modes_rx I could pull out all the other output formats and reduce CPU load. Would be nice to add error correction there but alas I'm off topic.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote:

Thank you Thierry and Andreas for your work. I've been experimenting with rtl-sdr library with different RTL2832U devices -- initially for receiving/decoding ADS-B data, and now for ACARS data -- and have been very impressed by the device and the code. For ACARS I was on the same path -- i.e. merging Thierry's code with rtl_fm (AM mode) -- and I'm very happy to see Andreas has already done it!

Incidentally, my plan for writing an ADS-B decoder was also (fortunately) shortened when I discovered Dump1090 (Salvatore Sanfilippo) and a nice fork of it (MalcolmRobb).

To compile rtl_acars.c, I added it to my local rtl_sdr source directory and made a few mods to the CMakeLists.txt files, etc to build/install it. The diffs can be found here (includes my mods to CMakeLists.txt to compile on Mac OS X):


Thierry Leconte wrote:
Le 15/07/2013 09:54, Andreas Reinhardt a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I have combined "rtl_fm" with Thierry Leconte's (GPL'ed) acarsdec library code and created "rtl_acars" which can directly decode ACARS flight info messages to the console.
Hey that's great news!
I just bought a rtl card for fun recently and subscribe to  this list  .
Very happy to see someone use my very old acars decoder code :-)
will try it very soon !