Hi All,

Following is the profiling results comparison of the decoding algorithms (unit in micro-seconds). Each of the 4 test inputs is decoded 10000 times for getting below data.


Input test                                            In target                                                                               In host 

Vector id              Tree based                          Existing                                 Tree based                          Existing

                                Min        Avg                        Min        Avg                        Min        Avg                       Min        Avg

      1                       66           69.6                        164         173.4                     2              6.8                         5              13.3

      2                       59           62.3                        118         124.8                     2              5.5                         3              11.5

      3                       12           13.1                        20           22                           0              0.5                         0              1.3

      4                       96           102.4                     251         264                         3              9.2                          7              19.8


Important summary:

1. For few other identified test vectors existing algorithm fails functionally to decode whereas tree based decoding algorithm succeeds.

2. Details of these test vectors are in the latest patch available in users/pravin/epdan_profiling at http://git.osmocom.org/radisys/osmo-pcu/

3. From the above results it shows that Tree based decoding algorithm is better than existing algorithm for the decoding time consumed.

4. The max value is not included because it is abnormally high which occurs at very low frequency like once in 10000 iterations.



The detailed Profiling data follows,

In target:


Tree based decoding algorithm:

Input test         Min          Avg                        Max

vector Id             

1                              66           69.6                        651

2                              59           62.3                        1125

3                              12           13.1                        259

4                              96           102.4                     1418


Existing Algorithm:

Input test             Min       Avg                        Max

vector Id

1                              164         173.4                     1372

2                              118         124.8                     691

3                              20           22                           1376

4                              251         264                         1229


In host:


Tree based decoding algorithm:

Input test         Min          Avg                        Max

Vector id

1                              2              6.8                          16065

2                              2              5.5                          20063

3                              0              0.5                          67

4                              3              9.2                          16219


Existing Algorithm:

Input test         Min          Avg                        Max

Vector id

1                              5              13.3                        12042

2                              3              11.5                        10816

3                              0              1.3                          5227

4                              7              19.8                        12078



