
We have manged to decode the BSIC in dedicated mode which were not implemented before. Now we are working on the synchronize and non-synchronize Handover. Once we send the fake measurement report to the BTS we get a handover command from the network. That could be synchronized or non-synchronized. 

In case of synchronized hand over, without making any changes in the TPU clock offset and the frame number and frequency correction, we are able to complete the handover process most of the time. 

In case of non-synchronized handover, a physical info is required from the network when mobile station would send Handover access burst to the network before the timer expires but we never get physical info during this period. Here we are stuck.

Changes: for non-synchronized handover we need to change the TPU offset and frequency correction offset and frame number parameters which we stored during the BSIC decoding. We set these values before we send handover access burst to the network but no success.  

Anybody who is working on the handover currently or in the past can discuss these things with me so we can figure out why we are not getting the physical info during the non-sync handover.

I have also attached the main changed files with this email. I hope someone would give advice how to debug the issue. 


M. Awais