OpenBTS supports GPRS, but at least for me it does not work very reliably, I consider this only a proof of concept. While voice/SMS range is up to 200m, GPRS breaks down after 5m (!) distance, and the connection stalls after a while, requiring a restart of OpenBTS. I am using an USRP1 with WBX board.





From: [] On Behalf Of Sipos Csaba
Sent: Thursday, 23 January, 2014 18:37
To: Don Fanning
Subject: Re[2]: GPRS, EDGE support


Hi Don,


Thanks for the answer.


THe problem with nanobts that it is unaccessible, and even when it turns up on ebay, it costs a fortune.


I'd rather pay that fortune for an USRP or half that fortune for a bladerf, and I will have an SDR which I can use not only as a BTS.


So, at the moment GPRS/EDGE is only possible with nanoBTS? What about USRP or BladeRF running OpenBTS?





There has been a working GPRS stack for a while now:


As for USRP or OpenBTS, I cannot comment upon having never used either platform.